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Recruit-Drive Blogs

News, stories, and updates from Recruit-Drive

  • Social Media in the workplace...

    It is a relatively new phenomenon that is constantly changing so companies need guidelines to govern the use of all social media. ??A social media policy may include all or an...

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    Date: Mar 07,2014

  • Recruit-Drive's January 2014, half-price sa...

    The Recruit-Drive January sale is here: 50% off jobseeker ability tests and 50% off employer job advert packages!? ...

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    Date: Jan 02,2014

  • Boosting morale in the workplace - the valu...

    Let’s look back into your past between the ages of 5-10. Do you remember being in school and playing games with your classmates? How was it? Fun right. Little worries and you were just focused enjoying yourself and completing the task in a simplistic manner even though you didn’t realise it. Disengaged employees cost organisations millions and their uncooperative, negative a...

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    Date: Dec 30,2013

  • IOCs defiance costs Nigeria $74m daily as g...

    International oil companies (IOCs) defiance costs Nigeria $74m daily as gas flaring goes on: <span 1.6em;"="">IOCs, the major perpetrators of gas flaring in the country, and other oil producing companies, have continued to ignore the $3.5 per standard cubic feet (scf) penalty put in place by the government to discourage flaring from which the country loses about $74...

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    Date: Dec 26,2013

  • Dec 31 2013

    Nigeria’s employment generation scheme has received a big boost after the government announced it was receiving from the World Bank a $200 million grant.Confirming the grant on Thursday, Gombe State Governor, Mr. Ibrahim Dankwambo, told journalists the grant was meant to support current schemes to boost the employment generation among young people.

    Dankwanbo said the grant is also meant to uplift the quality of education and boost food production in Nigeria, adding that state governments were being encouraged to collaborate with the federal ministry of finance on how to access the facility.

    According to him, another N200 billion had been set aside by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to be accessed by states in support of Micro Finance Banks in the Local Government Areas.


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