Recruit-Drive Blogs

News, stories, and updates from Recruit-Drive

  • Social Media in the workplace...

    It is a relatively new phenomenon that is constantly changing so companies need guidelines to govern the use of all social media. ??A social media policy may include all or an...

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    Date: Mar 07,2014

  • Recruit-Drive's January 2014, half-price sa...

    The Recruit-Drive January sale is here: 50% off jobseeker ability tests and 50% off employer job advert packages!? ...

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    Date: Jan 02,2014

  • Boosting morale in the workplace - the valu...

    Let’s look back into your past between the ages of 5-10. Do you remember being in school and playing games with your classmates? How was it? Fun right. Little worries and you were just focused enjoying yourself and completing the task in a simplistic manner even though you didn’t realise it. Disengaged employees cost organisations millions and their uncooperative, negative a...

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    Date: Dec 30,2013

  • IOCs defiance costs Nigeria $74m daily as g...

    International oil companies (IOCs) defiance costs Nigeria $74m daily as gas flaring goes on: <span 1.6em;"="">IOCs, the major perpetrators of gas flaring in the country, and other oil producing companies, have continued to ignore the $3.5 per standard cubic feet (scf) penalty put in place by the government to discourage flaring from which the country loses about $74...

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    Date: Dec 26,2013

  • Jan 13 2014

    For us this is simple; research has proven that watching a video can lead to learning faster and retaining more information than just reading books and articles.

    Remember our post titled 'How to prepare for a presentation'

    To reiterate the majority of our brain is devoted to processing visual information therefore we learn much faster from pictures than words. However when the two are combined it is a lot more effective; this is known as the Picture Superiority Effect, which states that we remember 65% of what we have learnt three days after, provided it is both a picture and a word shown together compared to 10% for just a word alone.


    Why use video training?

    Simple –Three C’s

    1. Convenience - Watch anywhere, anytime (DVDs, computers, smartphones, mp3 players etc.)

    2. Cost effective - Cost is relatively low because the video(s) can be shared several times but it has only been paid for once.

    3. Consistent - You can guarantee all trainees will receive the same training experience in terms of the information that is delivered (they can even make use of playback if they missed something)

    You cannot beat the engagement; presenting information both audibly and visually reinforces information in multiple brain areas, this dual-encoding process increases the chance that material will be stored in long-term memory. If the training video is made correctly and it is accompanied with testing afterwards, you will get high levels of understanding and recall of the information.

    Face to Face training is still the most widely used and therefore deemed most effective learning technique, which keeps it popular with all organisations but it can also be incredibly time consuming and expensive. This is due to the fact that most people will need to set aside time, both employees and facilitators (whether external or internal). Some employers even choose not to train certain individuals because they feel that they cannot spend time away from the business. Inevitably this will lead to some conflicts with business activities such as major projects and employee/employer relations which sequentially results in a lot of rescheduling and (you guessed it) more time. And you know how the old saying goes; time is money.

    Video training is an avenue to seriously consider, if you are not already using it. No one truly knew the power of video until YouTube blew our minds away in the early 2000s. With the many advantages, it is no wonder that video training (through online learning) has become a great way to train individuals. As more people learn about the usability and convenience of video training, it will become a first-choice training tool for everyone.

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